George & Tilden return to the Compound for Mi Casa

Mi Casa es Su Teatro has been lucky enough to secure permission to screen DeGaga Gada a 3-minute music video by George and Tilden, brothers and collaborators from Hondo, Texas. Though I was unable to arrange an interview with the auteurs, I observe their creative process whenever they visit their aunt and uncle, Compound homesteaders Adam and Robin Grace Soto. During last spring’s residency, they warmed up with a medieval-style battle, using cedar shake shingles as (ultimately non-lethal) weapons. Then they went to Goodwill, where George snagged several notable fits, including a classic blazer. That afternoon, George and Tilden began writing Monkey in A Blazer, parts 1-3, workshopping it with their aunt and uncle, who were cast in key roles. Along with several other Compound residents, I attended the ACTION PACKED debut. I concluded that A: this is exactly what kids should do during spring break and B: these particular kids are unusually smart and funny. DeGaga Gada was filmed on location in White Sands, New Mexico. It will be playing all day at the Snapper. Good, because I plan to watch it more than once.